Mantaining the Forest

Inventory Cruise

Foresters "cruise" timber to understand the health, growth and potential of a given stand of trees. This is both an art and a science.

The science aspect of forestry involves taking specific measurements in designated plots within a stand. That information will be entered into a software system that helps us further analyze the trees' health, growth rates and even predict how much wood the forest will produce.

The art aspect of a cruise is equally important. Foresters use their own knowledge and understanding of how a healthy forest should perform to determine if there are any needs or concerns in the stand. They're also trained to look for vulnerable plant and animal habitats. If they find one, they specially mark it off to ensure it will be safe during future operations.

Watch this forester demonstrate an inventory cruise, which is used to get an idea of tree size and spacing as well as the amount of wood in a specific forest. What tools does the forester use?

Applying What You've Learned

Based on the information shared in the video, would the forester measure the tree shown in the prism to the left? Why or why not?

Taking Inventory

Taking Inventory